Student Dress Rehearsals

Grade Level: 6th Grade through College
Cost: $12 Students (Grades 6-12), $15 College Students, $20 Continuing Education Students, $25 Adults


2024-25 Season Student Dress Rehearsals

Information about the 2025-26 Student Dress Rehearsals will be added in late summer 2025.

Contact  or call 303.778.7350 to reserve Student Dress Rehearsal tickets.

Tell me more…

  • Geared towards older students
  • Experience what Opera Colorado’s audiences will see before opening night

*One supervising teacher (admitted free of charge) per ten students under the age of 18. Opera Colorado reserves the right to limit the number of additional adults in excess of this ratio.


Did you know that Opera Colorado offers partial scholarships for ANY of our educational programs? Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. To apply, please fill out and return the appropriate application:

School Scholarships   Community Scholarships